The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
2024-12-31 Different kinds of Attention; their role and relationship to Mindfulness 56:54
Akincano Marc Weber
The challenge of attending and being mindful. Mindfulness (sati) and Attention (manasikāra) are different things. Attention comes in two forms: voluntary and involuntary attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2024-12-30 Wakefulness' Refuge and Aspiration 54:24
Yanai Postelnik
reflections on the first full day of practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2024-12-30 On Doing ''the Body Thing'': Reflections and Guided Practice 41:01
Akincano Marc Weber
Body as a construct. On touch (phassa) and touching and being touched (phusati). Differing senses create a different relationship - 'seeing', 'hearing' and 'touching' as analogies for attending to something create a different kind of relationship to ourselves. The visual is overdetermined, often at the expense of touch. Feeling the body as an experience of touch rather than being 'observed'.'.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2024-12-30 The body as basis 60:35
Catherine McGee
First morning instructions- inviting the body to be available to attention.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2024-12-20 2 Kinds of Wisdom 61:12
Pascal Auclair
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-20 Practicing with Mind-States and Emotions 60:00
Tara Mulay
Guided Meditation on practicing with mind-states, both wholesome and unwholesome.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-19 Letting Go of Obstacles to Love 41:47
Pascal Auclair
Metta stories, guided meditations...and sending well wishes to hyppopotamus.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-19 The Three Characteristics 53:32
Tara Mulay
Impermanence, Dukkha, and Not-Self
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-19 NO SAMES 60:32
Pascal Auclair
A few words on establishing contact with reality and maintaining it and guided meditation.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2024-12-18 Freedom From the Known 59:12
Pascal Auclair
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Heartfelt Wisdom: Insight Meditation Retreat

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