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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Nolitha Tsengiwe's Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
Nolitha Tsengiwe
Nolitha is a Dharma teacher and board member at Dharmagiri Sacred Mountain Retreat Center, in SA that was founded by Kittisaro and Thanisara Weinberg. She has practised from 1997 under Kittisaro and Thanissara, who are of Ajahn Chah ‘s lineage. In her first retreat with these beloved teachers she discovered silence as a refuge and has never looked back. Nolitha completed the Community Dharma leadership program (CDL4) under Spirit Rock in 2014 and is at present a teacher trainee with IMS. Nolitha is a Psychologist in private practice and is trained in Karuna ( Group psychotherapy based on Buddhist principles) and Somatic Experiencing (SE). She is an executive coach and facilitator in leadership development. She offers in SA under Dharmagiri Race Work for reconciliation using Insight Dialogue principles. She has recently been appointed by Spirit Rock as a mentor for the TTCP program.
2023-04-07 Embodying forgiveness to free the heart 51:10
The courage to investigate the pain of how we cause harm to ourselves, and others, is critical preparation for forgiveness as a way of skillful living.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Lovingkindness Retreat

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