The voice of the inner critic is a huge source of suffering for many people. Learning to work skillfully with this voice allows us to develop an sense of respect and trust in ourselves that is essential for the deepening of our spiritual practice.
Suffering becomes a noble truth when it is fully understood. Then it is seen as a universal experience that connects us through compassion with all beings.
When we are identified with these five mind states they are called hindrances to seeing the way things actually are. Each one is explored along with skillful antidotes to overcome them.
As we develop awareness of the objects of our experience, it is also important to be aware of our attitude to them. Is there greed, aversion or delusion; or is there non-greed, non-aversion or non-delusion?
Meditation need not be limited to a practice that one can only do a on the cushion. When we bring the passion for truth to the center of our lives, it opens up every moment to be a moment of knowing truth.