Introducing the Brahmaviharas. Fundamental nature of everyone is to be good. Misconceptions of Metta (Friendliness). Importance of friendliness in meditation practice. How to and how not to practice metta or friendliness. Guided meditation instructions.
Differences between Eastern and Western teaching traditions. Importance of a Dhamma talk to your practice. How to perceive the practice. Why and how one needs to practice. Stories about Munindraji. The quest for enlightenment of the seven practitioners on the rock.
Joy and happiness are essential aspects of the journey to awakening. This talk explores the role they play and how they can be developed through mudita, virtue, nature, generosity, concentration and insight
The eight fold path is often emphasized as the set of practices that support us to reach liberation. It is also described as being the" possession" of those who are liberated. So we can understand that in our practice of the eight fold path, we are emulating those who are free.