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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

Strengthening the Heart: Lovingkindness Retreat

Metta, sometimes translated as unconditional kindness or universal friendliness, grows from our capacity for basic human warmth. It is the first of four sublime states known as the Brahmavihara, that encompass lovingkindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity. Developed together, these four qualities provide a powerful support for wellbeing, concentration and the deepening of insight practice.

In this silent Brahmavihara retreat, open to all, we will explore a range of techniques for developing these skillful qualities of heart, as well as ways to release the obstacles that often get in the way of living with more ease, happiness and peace. Our time together will include silent and guided sitting meditation, walking meditation, talks about the teachings, instructions and group meetings with the teachers.

2020-02-14 (6 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2020-02-15 Instructions and guided meditation practicing mindfulness of breathing 32:35
Jill Shepherd
Settling into retreat by beginning with mindfulness of breathing, to steady the awareness before we move into Metta practice
2020-02-15 Introduction To Lovingkindness 54:06
Oren Jay Sofer
An overview of Metta practice and a guided meditation on lovingkindness for a benefactor and oneself.
2020-02-15 Overview of the Four Brahmavihara qualities 44:21
Jill Shepherd
Exploring how kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity work together to heal afflicted mind-states
2020-02-16 Instructions and guided meditation using the “radiating energy“ method of metta practice 45:05
Jill Shepherd
Cultivating the embodied energy of warmth and kindness, radiating it in different directions then all directions simultaneously to “encompass the entire world”
2020-02-17 Compassion Teaching and Guided Meditation 60:51
Oren Jay Sofer
Overview and introduction to compassion, with a guided meditation.
2020-02-17 Instructions and guided meditation cultivating mudita 44:18
Jill Shepherd
Using the "reciting phrases" method of practice to develop mudita for a good friend whose life is currently going well
2020-02-18 Instructions and guided meditation cultivating equanimity 39:17
Jill Shepherd
Using the "reciting phrases" method of practice to develop equanimity for a difficult or so-called "sticky" person, someone who we would like to be different in some way, or someone we wish our relationship with them was different in some way
2020-02-18 Equanimity: Training The Heart, Responding With Love 52:24
Oren Jay Sofer
How does silent retreat practice apply to our daily life? This talk explores how the Brahma Viharas and equanimity specifically can serve as essential support for meeting the challenges of our times.
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