Yanai Postelnik has been engaged in full-time dharma practice and service since 1990. He is inspired by the Thai forest tradition and nourished by time spent in nature, and has been teaching retreats around the world for over 25 years. Yanai is a member of the Guiding Teacher Council of Gaia House, in Devon, England, and of the Core Faculty of Insight Meditation Society, Massachusetts. Since 2018, Yanai has been engaged with Extinction Rebellion, seeking to bring about urgent change in the face of the climate and ecological emergency, in the service of all beings.
Being touched by the truth of our human vulnerability without seeking refuge in the illusion of certainties, is the gateway to a true knowing of the vast openness of life.
To deeply realize that we are inextricably a part of a vast web of life, we are invited to open to a deeper inner connection, and to recognize that we are not different to all that is around us.
Discovering how to rest in being requires us to examine the compulsive doing activity through which we seek to establish our worthiness and identity. Trusting where we are, we can come to rest in the wide-open nature of aliveness.
A reflection on the ten paramis: generosity, non-harming, renunciation, effort, patience, truthfulness, equanimity, resolve, wisdom, loving kindness and the noble aspiration to develop them in the service of all beings.
Rather than being a distant or fearful concept, we can use the truth of death as a tonic which can revitalize our lives, and invites a deeper letting go, into that which lies beyond death.
This talk explores establishing a wise and kind relationship with our body. This becomes the basis for discovering that the experience of body has much wisdom to reveal in the dharma of life.
Through cultivating non distractedness and non resistance the unbounded qualities of innate wakefulness and loving kindness are revealed as the radiant heart of our awakened life.
All conditioned things turn out to be unreliable. Recognizing and accepting the truth of impermanence and insecurity allows us to let go into the vast truth of life.