Yanai Postelnik has been engaged in full-time dharma practice and service since 1990. He is inspired by the Thai forest tradition and nourished by time spent in nature, and has been teaching retreats around the world for over 25 years. Yanai is a member of the Guiding Teacher Council of Gaia House, in Devon, England, and of the Core Faculty of Insight Meditation Society, Massachusetts. Since 2018, Yanai has been engaged with Extinction Rebellion, seeking to bring about urgent change in the face of the climate and ecological emergency, in the service of all beings.
To deeply know that we are not defined by any experience or activity is to realize freedom. To recognize that we are not separate from the world is to discover compassion as our very nature. This is the fruit of true practice
The true meaning of life derives from what is revealed when we have the courage to adbide in unknowing. Not depending on the illusiory security of certainties we can relax into the vast open potential of life.
Working with recognizing challenging faces of mind as visitors which obscures the deeper truth, we can free our self from their grip, reveling the natural pure radiance of the heart-mind.
Learning to let go asks us to trust in the uncontrollable fluidity of life as a medium which holds us, and in which we can open to our deepest nature, which is indestructible.
Recognizing the insecurity of our life can compel us to endlessly seek control, or invite us to learn to be at ease with our vulnerability and enter it consciously as a gateway to freedom.
An exploration of the power of seeing more deeply as the basis for wisdom and compassion to arise. This is through the understanding of non separation.
Our hearts capacity to love all beings and ourselves unconditionally, is discovered through understanding forgiveness, and the truth of interconnectedness. Freeing ourselves from fear, anger and hatred, reveals our life's capacity for a remarkable greatness of heart.