The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ayya Medhanandi's Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
Ayya Medhanandi
Ayyā Medhānandī Bhikkhunī, is the founder and guiding teacher of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage, a Canadian forest monastery for women in the Theravāda tradition. The daughter of Eastern European refugees who emigrated to Montreal after World War II, she began a spiritual quest in childhood that led her to India, Burma, England, New Zealand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and finally, back to Canada.
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2019-04-22 The Face of Holiness 31:28
Through the lens of Truth, mindful and attentive, we pierce anger, sorrow, fear and complacency. We are on the cusp of realizing who we are. Clear present awareness leads us inwards. We are on track to let go, relinquish and abandon all that is harmful. Discarding ancient beliefs one after another with microscopic insight, we empty out the rubbish from the mind. Radical awareness directly knows the impersonal, imperfect and empty nature of all that we experience. Now we see the face of holiness. Giving our hearts to truth, we are set free.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2019-04-20 Lifetime Vow 41:17
To vow for life: not to compromise our faith, our virtue, or our goodness - even in a moment of terror - is a powerful spiritual ally. Not cowering nor retaliating even in a hopeless-feeling-moment, we learn to stay present with compassion and kindness. As long as we remember to keep the practice alive within, we will have the stamina to grow in generosity, equanimity, and wisdom. So, at all times, make good-will the mantra of your heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2019-04-19 Our True Inheritance 18:40
We keep searching for happiness through travel, surfing the internet, shopping, and other worldly ways – but does it ever last? Supreme happiness arises right here in the heart – when we are patient beyond measure, present, stronger than we know. With groundbreaking inner seeing, free of devices – and free of vices – pure, wise clarity and conscious awareness disentangle and unburden the mind of fear, obsession, all distractions, and at last, all suffering! This is the key to exit our self-made prison of beliefs, thoughts and opinions as we awaken to our true inheritance – the liberating Truth of what we are.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2019-04-19 True Inheritance: A Guided Meditation 18:40
We keep searching for happiness through travel, surfing the internet, shopping, and other worldly ways – but does it ever last? Supreme happiness arises right here in the heart – when we are patient beyond measure, present, stronger than we know. With groundbreaking inner seeing, free of devices – and free of vices – pure, wise clarity and conscious awareness disentangle and unburden the mind of fear, obsession, all distractions, and at last, all suffering! This is the key to exit our self-made prison of beliefs, thoughts and opinions as we awaken to our true inheritance – the liberatig Truth of what we are.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2019-04-18 Life-Saving Sanctuary 25:31
Our spiritual home is within the heart. Are we able to activate that awareness, and to treasure kindness and goodness in our daily actions and speech? Can wholesome states of mind prevail even when we face difficult or painful conditions? Moral purity is the harbinger for our waking up to the Truth within us. As we hasten to empty and weed out self-centredness, the poison arrow of craving is extracted. This is freedom – this is life-saving sanctuary.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2019-04-18 Life Saving Sanctuary 25:31
Our spiritual home is within the heart. Are we able to know and bring to life that awareness, to treasure goodness in our daily acts and words of kindness as well as in wholesome states of mind - even where conditions are not so conducive to that? Let us empty ourselves of self-centredness to embody more and more the realization of the Truth within us. Let us guard the mind against the hindrances and pull out the poison arrow of craving. What freedom! We shall brighten the mind and lift up our hearts. This is life-saving sanctuary.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2019-04-17 The Winds of Change 33:02
We are on a mountain with a tremendous view. Let the breath speak to us. Stay present and watch, both the joy and the suffering. Investigate wisely and patiently like a parent whose child may object or run away. We try to see the breath clearly, with mindfulness that is like the sun upon a flower. Attentive and receptive, timeless, and still, we gently soften and mellow – just knowing, observing, and selflessly giving the mind back to pure presence. To trust the breath is to let go moment by moment, discovering its hidden truths – our true home here and now.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
2017-04-15 About Chithurst Monastery, Temple Forest Monastery, and Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage 8:11
with Ajahn Jayanto, Ajahn Sucitto, Ayya Medhanandi
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat
2017-04-13 Understanding Death 61:17
The Buddha's advise to Ananda when venerable Sariputta died.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat
2017-04-10 Buddham Vande, Buddha One Day 69:38
Inner healing and purification by revering and finding refuge in Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha - one day at at a time
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Holistic Awareness: Monastic Retreat

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