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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

People of Color Retreat

This insight meditation course, co-sponsored by IMS and New York Insight Meditation Center, creates a space of ease and support for people of color to meditate together and cultivate inner freedom. Held in an environment of silence, it provides an in-depth experience of the Buddha’s teachings on mindful awareness, illuminating a path toward healing and greater happiness. Those without previous meditation experience are encouraged to participate.

2016-06-22 (7 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2016-06-23 Welcome home– breath and body meditation instructions 60:55
DaRa Williams
2016-06-23 Opening metta instructions 53:40
Joseph Goldstein
Working with self and benefactor
2016-06-24 Lovingkindness: self and benefactor 48:28
DaRa Williams
2016-06-24 Doubt and aversion 59:36
Joseph Goldstein
Understanding and working with these two hinderances
2016-06-25 Morning instructions 58:23
Joseph Goldstein
Review of meditation instructions and working with thoughts and emotions
2016-06-26 Morning instructions 58:44
DaRa Williams
Feeling Tone
2016-06-26 Metta for a difficult person 48:11
Gina Sharpe
Metta based on wisdom develops the heart/mind
2016-06-26 Liberation through non-clinging 61:51
Joseph Goldstein
Impermanence and non-self
2016-06-27 Going home with equanimity 58:27
Gina Sharpe
Developing the skill of equanimity in daily life
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