The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Leslie Booker's Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
Leslie Booker
Booker brings her heart and wisdom to the intersection of Dharma, embodied practice, and activism. She began working with system-involved populations in 2005 and was a senior teacher and Director of Trainings with Lineage Project for 10 years, and facilitated an intervention on Riker's Island from 2009-2011 through NYU. Booker shares her expertise nationally on creating culturally responsive environments and changing the paradigm of self and community care. She has spoken at Mind&Life Institute’s International Symposium, Contemplative Minds in Higher Education, and Mindfulness in Education conferences, as well as at universities across the country. She is a co-founder of the Yoga Service Council at Omega Institute, and the Meditation Working Group of Occupy Wall Street. Booker is a co-author of Best Practices for Yoga in a Criminal Justice Setting, a contributor to Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality’s report on Gender & Trauma, YOGA: The Secret of Life, and Sharon Salzberg's book Happiness at Work. Booker is on faculty with the Engaged Mindfulness Institute and Off the Mat Into the World. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Mindful Yoga and Meditation training (2012), Community Dharma Leaders’ Training (2017), and will complete Spirit Rock’s Teacher Training in 2020.
2017-02-11 Standing meditation instruction 28:02
Booker offers basic standing instruction for retreat means on body retreat
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindful of the Body: Insight Meditation Weekend
2017-02-11 Morning instruction 53:57
Booker offers a posture clinic and basic sitting instructions for retreatants on body retreat.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Mindful of the Body: Insight Meditation Weekend

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