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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

The Art of Mindful Living: Insight Meditation Retreat for Experienced Students

The core of insight meditation is the practice of mindfulness, that quality of awareness that sees without judgment. Silent sitting and walking meditation, the first steps in formal practice, become the foundation and continuous inspiration for meeting all aspects of life with a greater openness and willingness to learn. The ordinary activities of retreat life become a part of the practice because the challenges they offer help us develop the art of mindful living.

2014-06-11 (8 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2014-06-11 Opening Talk and Instructions 41:18
Doug Phillips
2014-06-12 Don't Turn Away - The Liberating Practice Of Relationship 48:41
Larry Rosenberg
Relationship and the urgency of self discovery. Applications during intensive practice retreats included
2014-06-13 Shamatha - Vipassana and the journey of awarness 49:56
Matthew Daniell
Using the foundation of calm and steady mind to explore the unfolding of clear direct seeing (vipassana) through a dynamic approach of awareness
2014-06-14 Relationship and the Buddhist way 37:21
Doug Phillips
On the importance of relationship as a practice of insight and liberation
2014-06-15 Don't Turn Away - The Liberating Practice Of Relationship II 48:30
Larry Rosenberg
Relationship and the urgency of self discovery. Applications during intensive practice retreats included
2014-06-16 Shamatha - Vipassana and the journey of awareness I 56:30
Matthew Daniell
Using the foundation of calm and steady mind to explore the unfolding of clear direct seeing (vipassana) through a dynamic approach of awareness
2014-06-17 Relationship, Practice and Awakening 51:08
Doug Phillips
Integrating our practice in daily life
2014-06-18 Don't Turn Away - The Liberating Practice Of Relationship III 69:32
Larry Rosenberg
Relationship and the urgency of self discovery. Applications during intensive practice retreats included
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