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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

Vipassana Retreat


2006-07-09 (8 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2006-07-09 Opening Vipassana Retreat with Rodney Smith and Fred Von Allmen 34:51
Christina Feldman
2006-07-10 Gladdening The Heart 48:52
Christina Feldman
The liberation of our heart from ill will and hostility rests upon our discovery of what it means to abide with equanimity in our emotional world.
2006-07-11 Untying The Knot Of Contraction 46:12
Rodney Smith
Contracting around either the comfortable or uncomfortable aspects of life will inevitably cause conflict. The resolution of that conflict is the Buddha's teaching.
2006-07-12 Mana: The Conceit of I 44:15
Fred Von Allmen
Our innate dignity and freedom is revealed in understanding and letting go of conceit.
2006-07-13 Healing Ill Will 45:37
Christina Feldman
The first precept and the practice of Loving Kindness meet in their commitment to uprooting the ill will that harms our world.
2006-07-14 The Art Of Non Doing 48:24
Rodney Smith
We are either interconnected or not. If we are not then let's move on. If we are then we must deeply understand the art of non doing.
2006-07-15 The Ox Herding Pictures 42:10
Christina Feldman
The ox herding pictures trace the seasons of a spiritual journey from confusion to liberation.
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