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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

The Buddha's teachings offer a pathway to discover inner peace, freedom and the compassionate heart. Through understanding the way things are, we can come to know what it means to awaken in the midst of our life, to be deeply connected to our experience, and yet not bound by it.

This retreat will focus on cultivating a quality of conscious presence that embraces our heart, mind and body with acceptance and wisdom.

2011-12-28 (10 days) Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center

2011-12-29 Meditation Instructions - Day One 24:58
Yanai Postelnik
2011-12-29 Orienting Towards Freedom 52:37
Yanai Postelnik
Meditation practice is an invitation to let go of the pressure we place on our life and our self to be other than as we are, and to realize the natural inherent freedom that letting go reveals.
2011-12-30 An Invitation To Relax And Be Aware 46:36
Myoshin Kelley
Bring the practice to a place of simplicity
2012-01-01 Contemplating Impermanence 55:09
Yanai Postelnik
Recognizing the changing nature of experience and the insecurity of human existence allows us to open to the preciousness of life in this moment.
2012-01-02 A Few Metta Stories - and a guided meditation. 29:00
Pascal Auclair
2012-01-02 The Intelligence Of Patience 46:49
Myoshin Kelley
The gentle forbearance that keeps us in relationship with life.
2012-01-03 Five Rivers Running Through - The Five Aggregates 60:49
Pascal Auclair
2012-01-04 Morning Instructions - Five Aggregates 27:22
Pascal Auclair
2012-01-04 Trusting Our Potential For Awakening: Touching The Earth 62:05
Yanai Postelnik
A reflection on the importance and power of trusting our potential for awakening to the deepest wisdom of truth and freedom.
2012-01-05 Life Is Our Teacher. Life Is Our Practice 46:27
Myoshin Kelley
Looking at what supports and nourishes a healthy engagement with life.
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